I gave my first love to you
I gave my first love to you

Kids, (I get to call you kids because im nearly 20 and I've been there) be young while ya can, have fun with your friends, be carefree and have no responsiblitys(such as the BIG responsibility that comes 9 months later which involves a trip to the hospital), young people today are growing up way too fast and learning things that they certainly dont need to know.

i gave my first love to you i gave my first love to you

As we get into the car, neither of us said a word. Its a huge step to take and at your age, in my opinion, you guys are way too young to even be thinking of these kind of things, My husband had pushed me away with all of the constant guilt trips he would try to lay on me regardless of my innocents. talking about underage sex, there is a legal age for intercourse, because young people are not ment to be having sex, because they are not anywhere near emotionally ready for that kind of thing, to be honest I prob should have waited(I lost my virginity when I was 19, and had no sexual contact other than kissing until then)Ĭlearly young people arent ment to have sex until they are much older and better capable to handle an emotional, physical and mental roller-coaster that is.SEX

i gave my first love to you

Now onto the BJ topic ! its supposed to be good for both partners, it feels great for him, once you listen to him and ask what he likes, and for the other partner it feels good, its hard to describe how it feels for the giver, but either way its an intimate, pleasurable and enjoyable experience for both partners, once ye listen to each-other, find out how to push eachothers buttons(for the want of a better word) and try to make it enjoyable for one another, it can be really rewarding, :-D Be young while ya can, it all goes down hill from here

I gave my first love to you