Instantiating a class is done by using the class name followed by (optionally arguments to the primary constructor in) parantheses.

Notice that properties can be either mutable ( var) or read-only ( val). These access modifiers define how users of the class can access the property.

Remarks Properties can be marked as public, private, protected, internal, protected internal, or private protected. Val height: Int = 10 //let's assume for now all litter boxes have this height The difference is that the init accessor can only be used in the constructor or by using an object-initializer. class LitterBox //valid class definition - does nothing The Host() function decorating the heroCache constructor property ensures. In C 9 and later, init accessors can also be declared as auto-implemented properties. To define a class, use the class keyword, followed by the class name, typically starting with upper case, followed optionaly by a class header, followed optionally by the body in curly braces. Angular throws an error if it cant find the dependency during that walk. When you declare a property as shown in the following example, the compiler creates a private, anonymous backing field that can only be accessed through the propertys get and set accessors. Now we'll see how to implement these in Kotlin. I'll assume you already know what these terms mean: class, constructor, property, method, instance, object, interface. More information about classes and related topics can be found by reading the Kotlin documentation starting with. In this lesson we are going to discuss object-oriented programming in Kotlin.